Michael McGregor - "Voyage Voyage"

1 - 22 Junio 2024 Hashimoto Contemporary NYC
Hashimoto Contemporary is pleased to present Voyage Voyage, a solo exhibition by Los Angeles-based artist Michael McGregor. The exhibition will be McGregor's second solo exhibition at Hashimoto Contemporary.


Opening Night Reception:

Saturday, June 1st

6pm - 8pm

The artist will be in attendance


Gallery Hours: 

Tuesday - Saturday / 10am - 6pm

Exhibition on view through June 22nd


Hashimoto Contemporary NYC

54 Ludlow Street

New York, NY 10002

(Google Maps)


Advance Collector's Preview:

An advance collector's preview will be made available online before the exhibition opens, if you would like to receive a price list, please contact us at nyc@hashimotocontemporary.com

Press release

Hashimoto Contemporary is pleased to announce Voyage Voyage, a solo exhibition by LA-based artist Michel McGregor that explores the aesthetics of travel. Expanding on themes of leisure, luxury, and memory from his monograph ROOM SERVICE (Paragon Books), this exhibition of vibrant oil paintings and “point and shoot” drawings on hotel stationery invites viewers into a world that embraces fact, fiction, and fantasy, threading a needle between irony and sincerity, art and artifice. 


Employing brazen gestures and a vivid palette, McGregor cross-references civilian, cinematic and commercial representations of travel in a series of new paintings and works on paper that confuse reality, fantasy, and desire. Building an atmosphere and color palette from sources like Henry Miller’s 1941 travelog Colossus of Maroussi, Federico Fellini’s film Amarcord, and the creamy hue of Venetian architecture, McGregor recontextualizes that which is ubiquitous and familiar, making the unremarkable glow anew in a foreign light. In homage and with great reverence for the Impressionist and Fauvist painters who developed the genre for the modern age, the painter applies paint directly from the tube, reveals the underpaintings on raw canvas, and captures scenes “en plein air.” In subject matter and technique, McGregor links himself to the history of portraying the world with reverence, optimism, and subtle critique.


The drawings immediately and intimately capture the fleeting moments of travel, while his paintings offer more clarified representations of places and moments, retaining the familiarity of a scene while shifting its essence into something novel, something distinctly different. Having spent the last year oscillating between Corfu, Hydra, Athens, Paris, the South of France, and Sicily, McGregor’s flâneur observations playfully toy with European still life tradition, elevating food, toiletries, travel magazines, and other scenes of life from commonplace to romantic.